


A social media web application built using Next.js and PostgreSQL. The app enables users to register, log in, create and interact with posts, comment, like, follow other users, and receive notifications. It features a responsive, mobile-first design that adapts to different screen sizes and includes functionalities like post mentions and reaction emojis.



An attendance tracker app built with Next.js 15 RC and the new React compiler. Users can input course details, log attendance, and view a daily course dashboard. The app automatically calculates attendance percentages and supports customizable class reminder notifications.



A clinic management system built with Electron and React. It features modules for appointment scheduling, employee management, salary and attendance tracking, patient medical forms and prescriptions, appointment pricing, and patient balance management, with automated OTA updates for continuous improvements



An e-commerce platform where brands can upload their own items with details like colors, sizes, images, and stock levels. Customers can shop from multiple brands in one place, placing orders that brand owners can manage and update. The platform also offers detailed analytics for brand owners to track performance.